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Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Wednesday Vacation!

I have the day off today.  Paid day to do whatever I please.  Some situation with our building.  So I'm free.  A random mid-week paid vacation.  :)  Neat!  And the weather is PERFECT!  Chilly, but not cold.  Good chili weather.  Scott took the day off to watch Carter (still doesn't feel good) so now we have the day off together.  I see a fire and some movies in our very near future.  :)  (Of course I had to make some calls to my working friends this morning and share the news, lol).

Carter went to the after hour pediatrician last night and he has his first ear infection.  :(  So he's up every 2 hours at night in pain, but miraculously, he can sleep in 5 hour blocks during the day, lol.  It's almost 11 and he hasn't been up since 5am.  Poor Bubby.  So we're going to relax and enjoy each other today.  When Trenton gets out of school, we're going to make cookies!  If he was good ::crosses fingers::.

Enjoy your Wednesday folks! 

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