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Monday, September 21, 2009

Bliggity Blog

Really good chili recipe on my weight loss blog. Low calorie and pretty yummy! Scott and I ate it yesterday and we really enjoyed it.

Scott's got me on this football picking thing. I have my own system and I pick against the line every weekend. It's only been 2 weeks, obviously, but that makes football SO much more fun. I never cared about the outcome before and the only games that were fun to watch were high school games. I love Friday night high school football games in October with the band and the cheering parents and the hot chocolate. But nothing else ever appealed to me. Maybe because I've never been to any other kind of football game. Well, I take that back. I went to a couple of college football games at A&M Commerce. Maybe that's what ruined it for me. :/ Lol. That was more to be social with my sorority and the fraternities than anything else. Anyway, the picking is fun. I did horribly this weekend, but I have one more game tonight.

Trenton has cub scouts tonight. Hopefully, he can be good at school so he gets to go. I discovered an online behavior/reward chart. He basically has "chores" that he has to do and he's rewarded a certain amount of points for them. There is a "bank" of points where he can see his total and then "purchase" preset rewards for a set amount of points. Getting good behavior marks are part of the customized chores. Some of his reward options are lunch with Nana & Popaw at school, roasting marshmallows outside one evening, getting a new movie, etc. Makes it kinda fun. So, we'll see how that goes. I am going over that whole thing with him tonight.

Happy Monday, Folks!

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